Sunset at Rocky Ridge

Staying at Rocky Ridge

Owners, renters, and guests alike - please abide by the following rules and procedures while staying at Rocky Ridge. Rules are primarily designed to allow everyone to enjoy their stay on the property peacefully and safely. Note also procedures to allow the management to carry out their jobs - for example parking procedures during snow removal.

A printable copy of this summary is available here.

Renters are required to submit this form via their rental agent. The information is needed in the event of any issue on site that requires contacting the occupant.

This is a brief summary of rules relating to the common areas at Rocky Ridge. This is intended to briefly highlight key points, but shall not be considered complete. Complete rules and more details can be found in the full "Rules and Policies" document. Common sense and consideration of others applies at all times!

Allowed users

Parking areas and roads




Pools and hot tubs

Tennis/Pickleball Courts

Beach and club house

Pier, buoys, boats, boards and kayaks


